Wye Valley Retriever Club

Open Winners
Puppy Winners
Special Puppy Winners

Open Winners - 8th June 2024
Devereux Wotton, Herefordshire

Puppy Winners - 8th June 2024
Devereux Wotton, Herefordshire
Special Puppy Winners - 8th June 2024
Devereux Wotton, Herefordshire

Novice Winners
Novice Dog/Novice Handler Winners
Junior Handlers Winners

Novice Winners - 23rd March 2024
Felton Court, Felton

Novice Dog/Novice Handler Winners -
23rd March 2024
Felton Court, Felton
Junior Handlers Winners - 23rd March 2024
Felton Court, Felton

Veteran Winners

Veteran Winners - 23rd March 2024
Felton Court, Felton

Open Winners
Puppy Winners
Special Puppy Winners

Open Winners - 1st July 2023
Devereux Wotton, Herefordshire

Puppy Winners - 1st July 2023
Devereux Wotton, Herefordshire
Special Puppy Winners - 1st July 2023
Devereux Wotton, Herefordshire

Novice Winner
Novice Winners
Veteran Winner

Novice Winner - 1st April 2023
Monnington on Wye

Novice Winnes - 1st April 2023
Monnington on Wye
Veteran Winner - 1st April 2023
Monnington on Wye

Veteran Winners Novice Dot/Novice Handler Winner   Novice Dot/Novice Handler Winners

Veteran Winners - 1st April 2023
Monnington on Wye

Novice Dog/Novice Handler Winner -1st April 2023
Monnington on Wye

Novice Dog/Novice Handler Winners -1st April 2023 Monnington on Wye
Junior Handler
Junior Handler Winner - 23rd July 2022
at Manor Farm in the Cotswolds
Puppy Winners - 23rd July 2022
at Manor Farm in the Cotswolds
Novice Dog/Novice Handler Winners
23rd July 2022 at Manor Farm in the Cotswolds
Open Winners - 23rd July 2022
at Manor Farm in the Cotswolds
Veteran Winner
Veteran Winners
Open Winner
Veteran Winner - 12th June 2021 at Dunclent
Veteran Winners - 12th June 2021 at Dunclent
Open Winner - 12th June 2021 at Dunclent
Open Winners
Open Winners - 12th June 2021 at Dunclent
Special Puppy Winner
Special Puppy Winners
Junior Handler
Special Puppy Winner - 6th June 2021 at Dunclent

Special Puppy Winners - 6th June 2021
at Dunclent

Junior Handler Winner - 6th June 2021 at Dunclent
Novice Dog/Nocvice Handler Novice Dog/Novice Handler Winners
Novice Winner
Novice Dog/Novice Handler Winner - 6th June 2021 at Dunclent
Novice Dog/Novice Handler Winners - 6th June 2021 at Dunclent
Novice Winner - 6th June 2021 at Dunclent
Novice Winners    
Novice Winners - 6th June 2021 at Dunclent
Puppy June 2019 Westhide
Veteran - 29th June 2019 at Westhide
Open 29th June at Westhide
Junior Handlers

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